Higher, Secondary and Apprentice Glass School in Novy Bor


The Glass Nový Bor school was founded in 1870,  as the local glass businessmen appreciated its necessity not only due their own interests but also due to the further industrial development of the whole region. Besides painting and modelling the schools taught also common educational and professional subjects, as well as the workshop practice, in case of the Nový Bor school it was painting and engraving, later on cutting, and finally hot shaping of glass.
Current glass school was established in 2004 through uniting two glass schools. The school provides secondary school tuition in glass blowing, engraving, cutting, painting, and stained-glass. Secondary school-leavers may continue on higher level at three-year study programme and graduate as DiS – diploma specialist.
The school organizes also special courses in glass blowing, engraving, painting, stained-glass, fusing and cast glass for Czech and foreign public. All courses are realized at school´s own workshops, studios and glass work.

Higher, Secondary and Apprentice Glass School,
Technical Lyceum and Gymnasium, Nový Bor

Wolkerova 316
473 01 Nový Bor
Czech Republic

email: info@glassschool.cz
web: www.glassschool.cz

Parts of school:
Higher Professional Glass School and Secondary Industrial Glass School,
Technical Lyceum and Gymnasium

address: Wolkerova 316, 473 01 Nový Bor
tel: 00420 487 712 211-213
fax: 00420 487 712 228

Secondary Professional Apprentice and Professional Apprentice Glass School
address: Revoluční 500, 473 01 Nový Bor
tel: 00420 487 833 311
fax: 00420 487 726 762

Secondary and Apprentice Glass School in Nový Bor

Glory hole
2 pcs dia. 45 cm / 60 cm length
1 pc dia. 30 cm / 50 cm length

4 pieces

3 pots clear
1 pot dark blue or another in case of need

1 annealing lehr (annealing curve 2 - 5 hours)
3 annealing kilns (annealing curve 10 – 12 hours)

Cracking – off
Grinding, cutting